ChasStankusOnIG's Profile View CA

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Name: ChasStankusOnIG
Birth date: 12 May, 1987
Relationship status: Single
Country: Canada
Gender: Male
City: Windsor
Joined: 3 months ago
Profile viewed: 16 times
Other people have watched ChasStankusOnIG's videos: 0 times
Favourite category: Creampie
About me: I have been single now for about 2 years now after ending a -Censored- year relationship.I am laid back and easy going.People say I am likable honest hardworking.I believe I am solid and I always find myself sticking up for the underdog.I have a very strong sex drive and find myself to be a romantic.I think if a person likes and finds another to be attractive,they should tell eachother how they feel.You not here on this planet to long.Sex is a feeling between a man and woman and it feels so good and makes others feel good.Its natural to want to feel good but yet society makes us feel like it's bad and has to be done behind close doors.Which leads me to what I like,lingerie and public sex but not necessarily both at once,lol I look forward to hearing from you,and look forward to hearing from me,take care.
My Favourite Videos: That's hard but I will put Channel's instead Vixen, 21Naturals And Anything Erotica. Also FreeUse Fantasy

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